Who Am I


It seems like such an easy question, and yet It took awhile for me to answer it. Who I am now at this moment is very different from who I was 7 years ago. 7 years ago I was a busy Salon owner Loving life. We had 2 great kids, looking like the perfect family…in a lot of ways we were. In that moment in time our whole world CHANGED with just a drop of blood. It was very early in the morning and we were getting ready to leave for OYE in OKC. Lloyd called me into the restroom to make sure I saw what he thought he was seeing. Yes it was blood in his urine. Up to that moment in March I had never heard of Bladder Cancer.  April 7th the biopsy was done and within a couple days we heard those words the first time. Confirmation that he had Bladder Cancer, what a blow to our perfect world. I started researching everything I could find on it. Lloyd sleeping and me up late at night after work looking at statistics and treatments.

There have been a couple times In my life when I knew something bad was going to happen with every part of my being. This was one of those times. His chance or survival 5 years out from Stage T1A High Risk Aggressive Bladder Cancer, was 5%! In that moment I was the wife of a 46 year old cancer patient, mother, secretary, multitasker/ Salon Owner.  A new journey had begun. This blog is about the journey, I hope you will join me reliving all that came with that diagnosis here

Until next time,

Val C

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