Shock Wave #3

So we had just rocked our kids world to the core….

Like I had said Trevor was 13 and Kenna was about to turn 15. One of the first things Trevor talked about was the fact that his dad was 13 when he lost his dad to a heart attack. I told him that yes that was true, but he would not loose his dad that soon. Did I know that for a fact, part of me did, but there was no guarantee. Our friend Justin was also a big help in those few days. He was great at making us all laugh and giving the kids and Lloyd a chance to talk if they needed to. I didn’t talk to anyone about any of it, I chose to walk it out. I would go to the trail across from our house and walk….sometimes as much as 7 miles! I would think to myself, and say out loud, some of what I was afraid of or mad about to God while I was walking. You see I just knew in the depths of my being that I was the one that had to bear it ALL, and not break. It was a lot like just knowing that the outcome would be what I thought it would be. That does not mean I would not do anything in my power to delay it or try to change it, but NO one can out run fate.

The next few weeks went by in a blur! Trip after trip to the city to the Dr, procedure after procedure, all called about and arranged by me with the various places. I would write it all in my little planner, blood test results, scan results, trips to where and when. I still have all of those planners. I do look at them sometimes and I am amazed at all he, and the kids and I, had to go through.

The Chemo Journey is next

Until Next Time


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