Shock Wave #4

Chemo is the wave that hit us next. As soon as the port surgery was set up and over we met with his Oncologist. She gave us all the rundown on what a chemo cycle is, how long, how often and a little bit of what to expect. What drugs would be started and when, appointments were made and we were off to drive the 3 hours back home. Some couples would use that time to talk it all out and share concerns, options, fears, everything. We were not that kind of couple. It started with each of us processing what had just happened. He fell asleep, and I was left with tears running down my face and so many thoughts tearing through my head. I took the time he was sleeping to let my coat of armor break just a little.

I found out through the scrapping surgeries that unfortunately I happen to be a person that upon hearing bad news I would sometimes laugh. When it first happened I was mortified. What the hell was wrong with me? I guess it is something that is normal in some people. Was I truly laughing at what was being said or the serious nature of what was happening- no it is just how my mind/body processed that news, or so I found out after that first time.

We returned home and went on about normal life as best as we could. The kids were getting settled in the new school. I was feeling my way through working here in the salon and traveling home to maintain the clients I sill had in Boise City.

Until next time


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